You might be asking yourself if it’s possible to homeschool your gifted child in NIOS, especially since you’ve already been told that most classes are not on the curriculum’s syllabus. But before you throw in the towel, let’s take a look at whether or not you can homeschool your gifted student in NIOS, and how to do it properly. NIOS is a govt body under the HRD ministry of INDIA. It’s recognized by the INDIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION, ETC

Why homeschool?

Homeschooling is a safe way to keep your gifted child intellectually stimulated and help them learn at their own pace. A school environment can be unsafe because schools cannot cater to individual needs as much as a homeschool setting. Parents are able to teach them about educational topics such as NATIVE languages, history, math, vocational and skill education, etc without outside sources influencing their education. This allows children of all levels of intellect to succeed and have fun while doing so. It also gives parents peace of mind knowing that their child is learning at a level appropriate for them.

How is it different from regular school?

Homeschooling programs are more flexible than traditional schools, and many gifted students thrive with that added freedom. Families can opt to teach each student at his or her own pace, or they can all study together by using a variety of teaching methods and materials. Some programs also offer age-specific courses so the kids have some company their own age. And when you’re taking your child’s education into your own hands, you have full control over what they learn—you just need to make sure they stay on track with state standards. Many homeschooled children, even end up enrolling in college-level classes early.

What are the benefits of homeschooling?

With no timetable, no pressure on tuition and more money saved from academic stuff (tuitions, school supplies, extra-curricular activities, etc.) homeschooling could be a great option. However, not only do parents need to consider that, but also schools need to be flexible with their rules and regulations related to homeschooling. According to a report by Hindustan Times, an increasing number of families are opting for homeschooling as they are concerned about children’s safety on Delhi roads and getting them admitted into good colleges in the future. For example, at the school where I work, we have seen around a 50% increase in applications last year alone.

Tips for parents wanting to teach their kids at home

Before you decide to homeschool your child, consider carefully and talk to people who have done it before.

This can be a wonderful experience, or it can be a disastrous one. Learn as much as you can about what works and what doesn’t work in homeschooling so that you don’t make any mistakes along the way.

The most important thing is to keep your child engaged and interested. There are many ways of doing that. For example, if they love reading choose books with topics they like and find interesting. If they love science, then take them on trips where they can learn more about science-related topics such as visiting museums, etc. You need to find something which will interest them enough for them not to lose interest after a few days of learning at home alone without any teacher around. The key is finding something which keeps their interest alive so that they enjoy learning at home instead of feeling bored or unhappy with their studies at home without anyone else around them.

Can our children study from NIOS?

Has trouble got your child to read? Homeschooled kids have an easier time with it because they’re doing it all day long. Once your child is used to reading from a young age, reading becomes second nature. If you don’t have any experience homeschooling, there are lots of resources out there for learning about how to start homeschooling and teaching your kids at home. Here are a few of my favourites: The Montessori Method by Maria Montessori: Dr Montessori developed her own method of homeschooling by observing children in real-life environments (namely classrooms). In her book, she outlines some helpful tips on what works and what doesn’t work when learning the material at home.


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