How A Positive Environment Impacts Child Development

Child Development is closely related to environment. A child’s environment plays a pivotal role in shaping his cognitive, emotional, and social development. The concept of positive control over a child’s environment refers to intentional and constructive efforts made by parents, caregivers, and educators to create a nurturing and stimulating atmosphere. This article explores the significant […]

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Alternative schooling in society?

India has always had pioneers who paved the path for different education systems. One of the earliest proponents of an alternative education system was Raja Ram Mohan Roy under whose aegis the Hindu College of Calcutta was started. Thereafter came a series of schooling systems such as Rabindranath Tagore’s Shanti Niketan, Jiddu Krishnamurti’s Rishi Valley […]

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NEP Policy 2020 favours Children with Learning Disabilities

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 was designed with the central aim of offering “high-quality education for developing and maximizing our country’s rich talents and resources for the good of the individual, the society, the country, and the world.” One big step that this education policy has taken towards inclusivity is to provide “barrier-free access […]

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How To Break The Chains of Laziness in Students

We’ve all faced the challenge of feeling too lazy to study at some point, regardless of age or academic level. Whether it’s the allure of Netflix, video games, or a good novel, the struggle against lethargy is universal. If you find yourself stuck in this cycle, fear not! This blog compiles tried and tested tips […]

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