Impact of Environment on Child Development

Child Development is closely related to environment. A child’s environment plays a pivotal role in shaping his cognitive, emotional, and social development. The concept of positive control over a child’s environment refers to intentional and constructive efforts made by parents, caregivers, and educators to create a nurturing and stimulating atmosphere. This article explores the significant impact of positive environmental control on a child’s mental development, emphasizing the importance of various factors that contribute to a well-rounded and balanced upbringing.

The Bobo Doll Experiment and Child Behaviour

Between 1961 and 1963, Stanford University’s Professor of Psychology, Albert Bandura, conducted experiments showing that children imitate behavior around them, influenced by the consequences of actions. Using a Bobo doll, kids were divided into three different groups and the following experiment was conducted:

  • Group one witnessed adults being physically aggressive
  • Group two observed adults calmly playing
  • Group three had no exposure to these scenarios

Results revealed:

  • Group one displayed violent reactions in disagreeable situations
  • Group two coped by diverting attention to other activities
  • Group three portrayed natural behavior, whether violent or impassive

The biggest learning of the Bobo Doll experiment is that children can learn social behavior such as aggression through the process of observation learning, by watching the behavior of another person. Furthermore, in the right environment, children can be taught how to control their aggression and modify their behavior.


How To Create The Right Environment for Child Development


Setting the stage for your child’s optimal mental development involves creating the right environment. In the following paragraphs, we will explore key strategies to foster a nurturing and supportive atmosphere that promotes balanced cognitive and emotional growth.

  1.  Learning Environment for Child Development: Creating an environment that encourages exploration and learning is critical for child development. A rich learning environment includes age-appropriate toys, books, and educational activities. Positive control involves actively engaging with the child, fostering curiosity, and providing opportunities for hands-on learning experiences. This approach not only enhances cognitive skills but also instills a love for learning.
  2. Emotional Support and Stability: A child’s emotional well-being is closely tied to the stability and support they receive from their environment. Positive control in this context involves the establishment of secure attachment relationships, consistent routines, and a nurturing atmosphere. Children who feel emotionally supported are more likely to develop resilience, emotional intelligence, and a positive self-image.
  3. Limiting Exposure to Negative Influences: Positive environmental control also extends to monitoring and managing a child’s exposure to potentially harmful influences, such as violence, inappropriate media content, and toxic relationships. Creating a safe and secure environment shields the child from unnecessary stressors, allowing them to focus on healthy development without undue emotional burdens.
  4. Encouraging Social Interaction: Social skills are crucial for a child’s overall development. Positive control involves facilitating positive social interactions, whether through playdates, group activities, or organized sports. These experiences help children develop communication skills, empathy, and cooperation, laying the foundation for healthy relationships in the future.
  5. Balancing Structure and Flexibility: A well-controlled environment strikes a balance between structure and flexibility. While routines provide a sense of security, allowing for spontaneity fosters creativity and adaptability. Positive environmental control involves adapting to the child’s individual needs and interests, promoting a healthy balance between predictability and exploration.


Open School Creates Right Environment For Child Development


A school is a place where students learn subject-related information and also learn to live and function in society independently, outside the supervision of their families. For students who have behavioral issues, an open school curriculum and school structure create an environment that will help them ease into society and bear the social norms. The team of behavioral psychologists, counselors, and specially trained teachers who study behavioral habits and coping mechanisms can help the students learn to navigate issues that disturb them. They form a support system for families, providing them with insights on how to deal with unprecedented situations.

If a child is unable to adjust to conventional school due to uncontrollable aggression or behavioral impulses, then open school alternatives provided by the National Institute of Open School (NIOS) will be a better fit for them. Through the NIOS curriculum, a student can opt for home schooling or open school alternatives where learning pace and pedagogy can be adjusted.

Most open school facilities have specially trained teachers to work with children with special needs. The teacher-student ratio is also smaller so that individualised attention can be given to students. At the same time, students will be attending classes and doing activities in a cohort which will aid their social development.

With timely intervention and addressing issues with the child in a focused manner, they can be trained to cope with the rigours of functioning in an uncertain environment and larger society.

In conclusion, the vital role of a positive environment in children’s mental development cannot be overstated. Various strategies for creating the right environment include stimulating learning environments, emotional support, limiting exposure to negative influences, encouraging social interaction etc and these collectively contribute to a holistic approach.

Open schools offer tailored solutions and an excellent alternative for children with behavioral issues. By understanding and actively shaping a child’s surroundings, we empower them to navigate the complexities of life, fostering not only cognitive development but also emotional resilience and social adaptability.

For more information on how Schoolbase, in partneship with NIOS, can support children in their educational journey, contact:

Mr. Vinay Kumar at +91 6361938556.

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