While getting one’s child admitted to a school, one has to look for the best option, a school in which the child can not only get the degree but also learn some skills and have the ability to do something on his own.

Unfortunately, not all schools polish the students in such a way that can raise critical thinking, the curiosity of discovering new things, effective communication, the ability to lead a crowd, handling unpredictable situations, and solving problems on their own.

How to Choose the Best School?

Many well-intentioned parents enthusiastically start to establish the structure their children need. They plan out a whole scenario of what kind of man they want him to be when he grows up and supports him at each and every step.

Yet many throw in the towel after a few weeks (or even a few days) because the routines are not working. Usually, they are doing a 9 to 5 job and can’t manage taking care of their job and their children simultaneously. Every day becomes a battle, and they are all worn out. They are helpless and don’t have any other option.

Many parents try different methods to make their children’s future brighter. They provide extra money for tuition to support their children so that they can learn academics easily. But sometimes, it doesn’t go well and the results are not the same as they are expecting. Then they make some other efforts and engage their children in sports like cricket, badminton, football, skating, or many other activities. Still, sometimes the consequences are incompatible.

Instead of taking part in sports just for recreation and fun, they start taking sports way too seriously which results in even lower grades. The parents still want the best for their children and provide them with luxuries like gadgets, electronics, and vehicles, such as gaming consoles, laptops, mobiles, and even bikes. They expect their children to get good grades but are disappointed when their children fail to get expected results.

Then the last attempt is made by deep-pocketed parents and they try to give their children peace of mind by taking them out in nature. They still don’t get the results and lose patience. Then they show the negative side of their character like scolding, pressurizing their children for good grades, and even end up taking back all the luxuries they provided them with.

The method parents used to get the best from their children was not right, to begin with. Engaging them in extracurricular activities makes them dumber in their studies. As a result, to escape their parents’ scolding they push themselves towards anxiety, depression, exposure to bad habits, fights, arrogance, and staying out late.

Why Does This Happen With Most Indian Children and Parents?

The real answer to this question is a bit difficult to understand.

A survey conducted by HSBC on parents’ expectations regarding their children’s education reveals some out of the ordinary results:

When asked to rank the three most important goals they wanted their child to achieve as an adult, 51% of parents chose successful careers, 49% chose happiness in life, 33% chose a healthy lifestyle, 22% wanted them to earn enough for a comfortable life, and 17% chose to fulfill their children’s potential.

Indian parents emerge almost at the top when it comes to the higher education qualifications they aspire for their children. The survey shows that 91% of the Indian parents wanted their children to have at least an undergraduate degree, or more 88% wanted them to secure masters or even higher degrees. In contrast, only 60% of the parents in the United States wanted their children to get an undergraduate degree or more while only 31% targeted masters or higher degrees.

One thing common to most of the Asian nations was their steady faith in additional tutoring. While China has the largest share of parents paying for additional tutoring (74%), it was followed by Indonesia (71%), India (71%), Malaysia (63%), Singapore (59%), and Taiwan (59%). In contrast, additional tutoring was very marginal in advanced countries like France (20%), Australia (21%), the UK (23%), and the USA (26%).

Another report suggests that there are more than 23% of Indian children with learning disabilities, i.e. slow learning, failing in tough subjects, obtaining fewer marks, cutting the higher education, deficiency of skills, going to an unrelated field after studying, and working for underpaying jobs, etc.

Because of all the statistics, what we believe is, when half of the 1.38 billion total population of India consists of youngsters less than 25 of age,  the school choice for them should be the first and foremost responsibility of the parents. Every parent should consider skills and abilities more than the degree.

NIOS Can Be the Ultimate Solution

The best option, in this case, is opting for homeschooling. You can get your child tutored in front of your eyes. The best platform is the National Institute of Open Schooling. It is an educational board under the Indian government. It offers the following programs:

  • Open Basic Education (OBE)
    • Level A – same as class 3
    • Level B – same as class 5
    • Level C – same as class 8
  • Secondary Course – same as class 10
  • Senior Secondary Course – same as class 12

Many parents have the same major concern that their child will not be able to communicate effectively with society and will not be able to compete with others. Considering these authentic concerns of the parents, NIOS also provides chances for extracurricular activities that build a sense of competition among the children.

NIOS offers vocational education courses in which children not only prove their capabilities but also compete with others. Some courses are time-based, such as 6-month courses that include plumbing, dressmaking, beauty culture, basic computing, TV repairing, and certificates in DTP, yoga, and security services.

1-year courses include tailoring, electric technician, and certificates in computer application and two-wheeler mechanism. Some special packages include radiography, toy making, and early childhood care and education. Secondary and senior secondary students are offered some other courses including word processing, bakery, laundry, carpentry, typewriting, poultry farming, and housekeeping.

Bangalore is a city of several heterogeneous cultures and races. Being a capital, it has always welcomed new ideas of development and education. One of these innovative ideas is homeschooling. The people of Bangalore are getting to know homeschooling widely day by day. Many international educational institutes have introduced homeschooling in Bangalore.

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