When students struggle with learning, they often lose motivation and interest in schoolwork; as a result, they become disengaged, fall behind on their schoolwork, and develop low self-esteem. If this happens to your child, it’s important to get him or her diagnosed quickly so that he or she can be placed in an appropriate learning environment (such as an accelerated class). But how do you know if your child has one of the five most common learning disabilities? Here are some signs to look out for.

are you struggling with study

What is Auditory Processing Disorder?

Auditory processing disorder (APD) affects a person’s ability to understand spoken language and can interfere with many academic and social skills. APD is not a type of hearing loss, but rather a condition that makes it hard for a person to interpret sound. This can result in problems understanding what others are saying or even recognizing familiar sounds like sirens or doorbells. Problems with auditory processing can make social situations difficult, too—when you don’t understand what others are saying, you may feel left out of conversations. Unfortunately, people with APD may be more prone to anxiety because they often struggle to interpret their environment accurately.

Causes of Auditory Processing Disorder

According to NIMHANS A GOVT DESPLINARY HOSPITAL BANGALORE, Auditory processing disorder is not caused by hearing loss, trauma or biological problems. The main cause for APD is a deficiency in how information from sound (in particular speech) is processed by an individual. This means that if your child struggles with an auditory processing disorder, he likely just has difficulty interpreting what he hears rather than any issue related to loss of hearing or comprehension.

Consequences of Auditory Processing Disorder

Students with auditory processing disorder often suffer from significant academic difficulties. They may be unable to understand or interpret spoken language properly. This can cause miscommunication and a breakdown in relationships with teachers and peers, as well as poor academic performance. The symptoms of APD are sometimes confused with learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and even poor parenting. But many specialists agree that APD is a medical condition that requires treatment for affected individuals to succeed academically and socially.

Diagnosing Auditory Processing Disorder

The exact incidence of APD is unknown, but studies suggest that between 5% and 10% of school-aged children have some form of hearing loss. Another study suggests that as many as 20% of children may struggle with auditory processing. While there are more severe cases where a hearing loss exists, auditory processing disorder is rarely diagnosed without some degree of auditory difficulty. An audiogram can help to diagnose a hearing loss, and a speech-language pathologist (SLP) can offer assistance with diagnosing APD.

Different Types Of Treatment For Auditory Processing Disorder

There are many different treatments for Auditory Processing Disorder (APD). Some of these treatments include hearing aids, cochlear implants, speech therapy and vestibular (balance) therapy. A person who is receiving treatment for APD can also benefit from some lifestyle changes that reduce stress and maximize energy levels. If you suspect that your child has APD, speak with your doctor about tests you can undergo to confirm a diagnosis.

How To Tell The Difference Between Procrastination and A Learning Disability

Procrastination is more of a decision, says Dr. ANUPAMA, an assistant professor at NIMHANS who studies procrastination and motivation in adults. You make a decision to engage in some other behaviour instead of getting started on something you need or want to do. Procrastination tends to be reflective and mood-based.

How To Manage The Stigma Around Mental Health & Learning Disabilities

It can be a hard thing for anyone struggling with mental health issues and learning disabilities. No matter how hard we try, it’s difficult not to internalize stigma. As a mental health care provider, I’ve seen just how stigmatizing people can be toward those who suffer from depression or anxiety, much less those with learning disabilities like dyslexia or ADHD. It’s no wonder many of my clients are afraid to share their struggles with others.

How To Support Someone With A Learning Disability At School

It’s never easy being a student. Not only are you expected to absorb information and spit it back out on tests and assignments, but you’re also required to keep up with your peers socially. This can be difficult for anyone, but especially challenging for someone with a learning disability. Learning disabilities range from mild problems that may not be obvious in class to severe conditions that can affect social skills and life outside of school. NIOS IS A GOVT EDUCATION ORGANISATION WHICH HELPS TO REDUCE THE BURDEN, FEAR AND ANXIETY OF STUDIES.

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