Reasons which drove me to think about unschooling my child

unschooling my child

My story about why I decided to start unschooling, my child. No matter how much you love your child, it’s never going to be easy to understand what makes him tick and what he loves. The good news is, that there is a growing number of people who have raised children that are unschooled. Unschooling is a way of raising children not in an institution, but in a way that ensures their parents and their surroundings surround them. Parents have a deep love for their children and they know what makes them tick. Many have unschooled their children, and they now have to live with the results. as few constraints as possible.

I want my kid to learn and understand neatly. I don’t want to send my kid to regular schooling. He is developing shyness and fear of regular school. he is very stubborn to go to school.

in the unschooling process, the child will get a warm environment from the parents. if they are supported to learn their passions correctly, they develop the strength and can excel in their passions. they become more interested in academics, art, athletics, and intrapersonal human being. one quality of learning leads to learning another quality. A kid who beats a drum can become a music player at the age of 16, and the kid who writes on the wall dirty can create many innovative ideas, a small girl who can be with her mom always can become a doctor or a nice chef. etc squashing help to stop their future interest.

It doesn’t really matter how and when we learned.  I read many books in front of my children, help them but not force them to read. there is no perfect time to learn. some learn by observing, seeing, and reading.  Exams are not the real gauge for seeing learning outputs. Exams oriented learning squeezes freedom of learning. Pushing the children to forced learning leads to developing reading disabilities or different phycological disorders. if they are natural learners then, happy with what they are. It doesn’t matter at what time they are learning, perfectly when it comes to learning it’s an all-time business. Age, place, and time don’t matter. my son teaches me mobile apps and I am a teacher.

it is not about speed or slow learning. it is about the ability to learn new things. the child has the ability to do that. you should trust this process and let them learn at their own speed. if you are impatient, you will definitely lose the opportunity of giving your child a good education which is not worth much just to gain some egotistical attention from the people around you.

I can’t teach what I don’t know. let me be frank about what I am speaking not literacy, learning methods for living. If I don’t know respect, time, happiness, and responsibility then no school in the world will be able to teach my child. a short walk and a small hug can change everything.

lets the kids learn in natural ways. friends, playing, and everything they are learned by experience. Overprotecting will close the doors of learning. Excuses lead them to danger. kindness and consideration help more to learn. when children start to identify their fault, promise they never repeat the same. rather learn at a small age is better than the older ones. Intervention in everything is so boring to the child they will look for alternative freedom after a certain age. this is the act of balance. Empathy and love is the correct answer for intervention, guidance, support, and ideas. distracting the child also solves many complicated issues. don’t push the children to which is not very interesting or don’t keep conditions for interesting learning activities. If you are good for three months, I will take you to the hotel, first finish your project work and go to the cinema. These situations have no answers.

often asking repeated questions, and passing fears to children are some negative parts that should be avoided. I fear math and I had a bad experience while learning to swim. So, I don’t show them fear in these situations. I take myself courage and give myself space, helping the children to learn. in learning ideas and deep thinking have no space. they are learners. What I Know is already that when they learn they will become innovators.

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